Smart Tips On How To Charge Solar Lights Without Sun?

Smart Tips On How To Charge Solar Lights Without Sun?

The best step to charge solar lights is in the presence of sunlight. but you can still charge your solar lights when there’s no presence of sunlight. In winter weather, you would be able to charge solar lights with indirect sunlight. hence it is true that you can charge your solar lights even when there’s no presence of sunlight.

Some Tips on How to Charge Solar Lights Without the Sun

Clean Your Solar Panels 

Cleaning the dust or dirt from the solar panels will help solar lights charge efficiently. Whereas, in cloudy weather, sunlight can still reach your solar lights but not much than sunny weather. Hence you need to be calm and kind while cleaning solar panels. You must use clean water and cloth to scrub the dirt from the solar lights. And keep in mind that you shouldn’t use detergents to clean solar panels because they can cause streaking that makes it difficult for the panels to get charge. 

Move Lights in the Place to Get Limited Sunlight

You must need to place the solar panels to directly face the sun this is mostly done in winters because there’s less sunlight available throughout the day. If you want the best results, then you need to charge solar lights for 8 to 10 hours in full sunlight. Furthermore, be sure that where you are placing your solar lights they should not be blocked from receiving sunlight.   

Use Mirrors to Redirect Sunlight

You can place mirrors if solar panels are placed underneath a shadow. Using a mirror will help to reflects the sunlight onto the panels. Hence you need to use mirrors that are twice the size of the solar panel. This helps to receive as much sunlight as needed.

Use Artificial Lighting Bulb to Charge Solar Lights

Charge your solar lights with the help of an incandescent bulb. The light from the bulb would be able to charge a solar light efficiently. You need to place the solar panels underneath a household light to charge them rapidly. Furthermore, you can place solar lights close to the light bulb. The closer the solar light to the bulb, the less time it will take your solar panel to charge. 

Use LED Lights to Charge a Solar Light

Another smart tip to charge solar light is by using LED lights. LED flashlights can steroids buy charge solar lights when you don’t have access to indoor lighting. You need to charge your solar panel for about 10 to 12 hours while using LED light. 

How Long do Solar Lights Stay on at Night?

When the solar lights received sun rays during the day, the longer there are chances that they will run at night. Solar lights need about 6 hours in the sunlight for a full charge and this will help them to run up at least about 8 hours on a good charge. 

How do You Charge Solar Lights Without the Sun?

You can charge solar lights without sunlight while placing solar panels directly underneath a household light to charge them speedily. Place the solar lights close to the artificial lighting or incandescent bulb to charge solar lights without the presence of sunlight. hence if the solar lights are away from the light bulbs, the longer it would take to charge solar panel.

Do You Need Direct Sunlight to Charge Solar Lights?

No, solar lights don’t need direct sunlight to charge solar lights. Whereas, solar lights need light in some form to power them on. But this can be produced without the presence of sunlight. hence solar lights can get charged from artificial light, incandescent bulbs or LED lamps, etc.


It is stated that solar lights can be charged without the presence of sunlight. the best way to charge sunlight is in the presence of sunlight but still, solar lights can get a charge even when there’s no presence of sunlight. it can be done with the help of incandescent light bulbs, LED lights, etc. furthermore, when solar panel receives sunlight during the day, the more it will take time to run at night. so when solar lights need six to seven hours for a full charge and this will help them to run at least eight to more hours. 

Comments (4)

  • Hilde Roman

    Some cloudy days my solar light won’t turn up! Most of them have rechargeable batteries .
    How do I care for the solar panel to extend the life of it?

    January 17, 2021 at 11:42 pm
  • Judy

    Can I charge a light solar battery with my regular household battery charger that I use to charge c & D batteries ?

    February 23, 2021 at 4:39 pm
  • silansolar

    Thank you for sharing such an information the advantages of solar energy are that it is environmentally-friendly, I thought that maybe getting a solar garden gnome for the garden would make a nice idea that it is embodying the nature of the sun into a light fixture. I do agree that it is cost-effective as you pointed out which I think is great since I don’t have time to spend too much money on garden light fixtures anyway. Because I do agree that solar energy is unlimited resource.

    June 7, 2021 at 9:43 am
  • AB

    Have you seen any lights with the solar panel on a long wire? I’d place the panel in the sun, mount the light where I need it and run the wire btwn the 2 parts.

    August 25, 2021 at 1:25 pm



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